
Delta Green God's Breath

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Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
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Producent: Arc Dream Publishing


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God's Breath - scenariusz do Delty Green

When Colorado legalized marijuana a few years ago, ambitious entrepreneurs rushed to meet a public demand. Some were more ambitious than others. A few cared not at all for the risks posed by weirdly unnatural genetic experiments in a booming crop. When a violent disaster locks down Denver County Jail, a Delta Green friendly happens to be on site. He leaves a frantic voicemail for his Delta Green handler about a prisoner vomiting up an “alien worm.”

Your Agents get the call: Fly to Denver under the cover of an FBI/DEA task force. Find out what really happened in that jail cell. If there’s an unnatural threat, trace it to its source and burn it out.

Just be careful of the smoke.

“Delta Green: God’s Breath” is playable with “Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game,” available from Arc Dream Publishing. Optionally, it makes a perfect companion to the acclaimed campaign “Delta Green: God’s Teeth.”

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Wydawca Arc Dream Publishing
Oprawa miękka
Mechanika Basic Roleplaying (BRP)

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